
Lost you

How could I have ever lost you by David Benjamin Sherry, 2010


For eating

Akira Akira Conmanchan put me onto these and I will make some for his birthday tea! Rice Crispies agglomerated with fondant on top. Eeek.

The Big Mound 1869

From Switzler's Illustrated History of Missouri 1541-1877 (1879) comes this sketch of the largest Native American mound built in St. Louis near the time of its demolition in 1869. The Big Mound, as it was known, was near the intersection of Broadway and Mound Street in Old North St. Louis. It stood at least 30 feet high, was 150 feet in length, and had three terraced approaches facing the river for religious ceremonies. At one point in the 1820s, a small resort building was constructed at the top of the mound. Artifacts were found during its demolition.


Der Teufel scheißt

Gesine Grundmann "der Teufel scheißt (the devil always shits on the big pile)", 2008, siebenteilige Bronze ( 56 x 48 x 53 cm), Überseekoffer (102 x 61 x 57 cm)



Jana Sterbak metamorphosing into a moth grub to eat Joseph Beuys felt suits


Kaari Upson

Kaari Upson @ Maccarone, NY


Desperate Dan

Dan Colen, Peres Projects



Jonas Ropponen. Detail of his man grotto. Super. 2010

My job

Well...not a big career but on the side to my art activities I build shrines and memorials for my 'day job'. Sarah crowEST

Robert Ryman

work by Sarah crowEST in collaboration with Robert Ryman (hi-jack stylee) 2010


Wurm Gulp

Erwin Wurm - Gulp

Andreas Gurkin

"James Bond Islands," Andreas Gursky, All rights reserved. Titter.

Urs Fischer

Urs Fischer, Untitled, 1993. Thank you Akira Akira Conmanchan! you are a super research assistant. One can always rely on Urs Fischer for a mound.


My house

The home I am building will look like something like this and it will not be in St Kilda. This form is by the the Chapuisat brothers. Super.

Cha cha cha

...also by the fabulous Chapuisat brothers.

Chapuisat brothers

Thanks Ardi Gunawan for this one





by Norma Vila. Sculpture of ant mound, photographs and feathered ceiling speak of the working class and governmental bureaucracy. (!)



The humorous life of hypertufa forms

Koji Ryui

courtesy Sarah Cottier Gallery

Peacock mound

thank you Akira chan


Digital rocks